Brownian motion
Brownian motion is quite easily detected by any small free moving objecs. The size should be  close to 1um to be able to see the fenomenon. The movement of the particlels is directly related to the collisions of individual atoms. Due to the distribution of the temperature to each individual atom, the movmement will be  randomized. This phenomenon was one of the first direct evidence of the existence of atoms. It is possible to calculate the  size of the atoms, in this case water molecules by the movement of the particle size, its mass, and surrounding temperatur. However the math is not so straight forvard and is quite complex.

Movie appr 4Mbyte. (It is easier to watch if you save the file on your hard disk first and open it in fullscreen mode)
A slurry of ceriumoxide  polishing powder  suspended in water.  The larger particles are appr 5um in size the smallest wich are appr one single pixel are appr 0,5-1um. The smallest particles can easily seen bouncing around between the larger  particles. A standard  microscope was used to  view the sample, and the movie  was collected by a standard CCD camera.

Image from the movie.  Polishing particles of different sizes. The
smallest particles can easily be seen moving around.